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Following is a cute synopsis by our head boys counselor.  It is just a hint as to the staff’s energy expenditure.


“My Long Lost Friend, Sleep...Hello all, I got home at 4:30 on Saturday and unpacked a bit and waited for my friend sleep to come.  My family was excited to see me home and wanted to hear all about my week before my friend sleep arrived.  My friend sleep finally arrived at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday but had to leave early to get to church on Sunday.  On Sunday, my friend sleep came over for a few hours in the afternoon too and now we are all caught up.  Each time I met my friend sleep, I closed my eyes and shared stories of mealtime chats and children’s hearts and friends’ prayers.  I have enough stories to last until July 24, 2005.”

This excellent staff managed to “stay ahead of the curve” on morning Bible classes, afternoon recreation, evening services, and other activities.  Our staffing capacity was stretched to its maximum.  Forty-three (43) high schoolers created the largest class and challenge.  No wonder our high school teacher dropped out one week before camp (smile)...BUT, praise God, John Graham, our Canadian evangelist, picked up the challenge.  The results

found our evening time at the altar life changing.  Beginning Monday evening, people were nightly filling the altar areas, lingering in prayer.  Youth and young adults were leading the way.


Missions was highlighted in a unique way.  Ada Coryell, a 50-year veteran missionary from the Philippines and formerly Japan was able to spend time answering questions and sharing with the classes and in one evening service.  Her story had a strong impact on everyone present.  The Gehms, missionaries to Mexico, added to the emphasis on missions.  Praise God for the vision building that the Deaf can be missionaries to the Deaf.


Three different parents commented that their youth had come home significantly changed in ways that had never happened before.  They are pleased.  To us it is an answer to prayer.  We have been asking God to anchor Deaf youth in Him in such a way that they would be strong, living out their decision to walk with God all year long, not just at camp.  Our campers have the potential to impact their culture.  That is the goal and purpose of NWCCD for them. Seven were baptized in the lake at camp, and just as many more received Jesus for the first time. 


Thank you for your prayers, monthly support, and the scholarships which help send these young people to camp.

Naomi Pfnister, NWCCD Director